Lilly at Rest...

Various states of rest
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Lilly at Rest...

One of the things I do the best is rest!

Picture 1, my first trip to the beach - the dog days of summer!

Picture 2, my comfy cat bed - no really, I am quite comfortable!

Picture 3, hey, you woke me up - I look pretty cute for just waking up!

Picture 4, it doesn't take me long to fall back asleep - no really, I am comfortable I swear!

Picture 5, the foot rest of the recliner makes a good place to snooze.

Picture 6, exercising - touching my toes.  okay okay, I am still sleeping!

Picture 7, I like to stretch out once in awhile.

Picture 8, this is a nice chair, even if I do have to ask for help to get into it.

Picture 9, this is the day I went to have my nails done - w/ my new bandanna.  Just call me a "Basket Hound!"

Picture 10, a new pillow - but I like my monkey better!

Picture 11 & 12, I got the hang of this new pillow!!