Lola's story: UPDATE
2 weeks ago, we had to find Lola another home.  The addition of a 3rd dog and 2nd puppy proved to be too much.  My wife contacted the local dog groomer where we take the dogs and inquired if they were aware of anyone looking for a wonderful puppy.  We were happy to learn that the parents of one of the employees were seeking a new addition to their home.
We are happy to report that so far, it looks like a perfect match.  Owners and other dogs in the family seem to have taken to Lola very well.  And Lola seems very happy too.
We are so glad that it all worked out, but will always miss our lovely Lola!
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Meet Lola!
This is Lola, our newest addition.  Read her story in the side bar.

The addition of Lola forced us to do something we have been meaning to for quite some time, put up a chain link fence.
Soon she (or her siblings) won't have to be tied up when being out side.
Lola has fit in very well with her two siblings, Jack (shown here) and Lilly.  
What an adorable picture of Lola and Jack.
Lola has also adapted very well to her new environment.
Barely awake enough to smile for the camera.
Now she is trying to look cute!