Most recent pictures of Lilly, on her first camping trip ever!

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Lilly 2002
Well, we are nearing Lilly's first birthday (June 28th), and we recently took her on her very first camping trip.  She did quite well sleeping in the tent.  We fixed up a chair with a nice soft blanket for her and she seemed to like that.  Although, she did occasionally prefer to sleep between my legs, which was not so comfortable for me!

Anyway, here are a few pictures of her during her first camping trip, which we took at the Devils Lake State Park in Lincoln City, Oregon.

We discovered something very amusing about Lilly, she hates camp fire smoke.  So much so, that she barked and growled at it when it came her way.  Here she is in one of her more calmer, relaxed moments!

Lilly still managed to get into mischief, finding a stray piece of paper towel to tear up (just like at home).

Lilly was getting ready to jump into Daddy's chair.  No, no Lilly!

We think Lilly had a great time on her first camping trip.  She met lot's of other pooches and had a lot of fun.  Of course, she didn't get as many naps as she does at home, so she was pretty tired when we got home.  She'll be relaxing on the couch for a few days recovering from this little outing!