Jacques "Just Jack" was born 9/1/2003 and joined our family 11/22/03.

Jack loves to play with Lilly Mae and romp around outside just before he makes his boom-boom's!  He has this crazy thing he does just before he goes potty. He spins around in a circle until he gets just the right momentum to help him go!

Jack so does not enjoy car trips, as he has gotten car sick about 3 times.

Jack will travel to Vancouver, WA to meet his cousins Jazz and Cocoa for Thanksgiving.

Check back for more pictures of Jack as he grows up.

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Just Jack!
This is little Jack, a Papillon puppy we got yesterday (11/22), a new playmate for Lilly Mae.

Little Jack has taken very well to his big sister Lilly Mae.  They play very well together.  Sometimes they even get a little rough.  Jack is very good at taking care of himself, he sometimes gets a really good nip in at Lilly.  They are going to be great friends.